Calling All Whistleblowers: SKUNKS 10 -- FLYING SAUCERS 2

The long-awaited unclassified “2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” from the Office of the Director of Intelligence (ODNI) hit January 12, 2023. This is the report that was due on Halloween last year. Your chronicler-experiencer has very little to say about it since the report itself has almost nothing to say. Perhaps its only newsworthiness – and even that is stretch -- lies in the number of truly new unidentifiable aerial objects – 337 – that the new AARO office has been looking at since the first report back in June 2021. In that one, our experts – sworn to protect the constitution and the land mass and global assets of the U.S., which you would assume also includes the so-called unidentifiable  stuff in our airspace and elsewhere -- could not account for what 143 thingys were.

Mind you that these are military incidents only. Civilian accounts are not considered, whether from well-respected and established groups and individuals who have been researching and reporting on the UFO/UAP “phenomenon “almost as long as out government (back to the 40s, if not earlier). And that puts the game squarely in domain of the military only. It’s not a good look. In fact, it’s a chronic impediment to real disclosure – at least from our side of the cosmic, interdimensional chess board. And it would be foolish for anyone to trust solely this bloated but strategically secret channel despite all the cheerleading from some factions about how much progress this government-sponsored new office and its minimalist reports show since the media blinders came off in 2017 with The New York Times expose of the Pentagon’s secret UFO study roughly 10 years earlier.

Former government insider and pro-disclosure advocate Christopher Mellon blogged about it extensively on Boxing Day. His take is worth the read: “[the law] provides a secure process for anyone who has signed an official US government secrecy agreement related to UAP to come forward and reveal that information to AARO and to Congress, regardless of the level of classification, without fear of retribution or prosecution.

“This provision is intended to determine the veracity of longstanding allegations indicating that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology and perhaps even extraterrestrial beings. The alleged UAP crash in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico, offers the most famous example, but there are many others. For example, in his new book Trinity: The Best Kept Secret, the renowned writer, scientist and venture capitalist Dr. Jacques Vallée, surfaces a new case of alleged ET spacecraft recovery operations.”

Will anyone seize the day?

If you want one answer to that, dig if you will this recent lengthy and at times mind-blowing interview with Dr. Steven Greer, MD, who seems to be either a super villain in the UFO community or an infallible superman by his growing supporters around the world. Of course, he is neither. In a timely interview with the Project Unity podcast, Greer assures those keeping score that he has been regularly “sending” such whistleblower folks to the nation’s capital to meet with leaders and congressional type behind closed doors in recent times. Not to mention that he holds a solid collection of other vetted witnesses – many who signed legal-binding affidavits -- from his disclosure events as far back as 1997 and 2001.

That’s 25+ years of doing the work, much of it not exposed “in the media.”

Some will say I am biased in my reporting and commentary here on this blog for my book, since I served as the communications/PR guy in the early days of Greer’s CSETI organization. It’s a fair charge, but it’s not entirely deserved either. Greer and I have spoken only once since I left his orbit in the late ‘90s when The Space Pen Club was published in June 2021. But as a student and hopefully a somewhat reliable observer of this subject, I continue to track his activities, occasional interview like the Unity one, written word, and his three films, just as I do those of other high-profile players such as Whitely Strieber, Jacques Vallée, Gary Nolan, Hal Puthoff, Bob Bigelow, Colm Kelliher, Lue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan, Avi Loeb, Mellon, and the various Birds in The Aviary. Ditto for key reporters, revered authors and podcasters, and news talkers such as Leslie Kean, Tucker Carlson, Grant Cameron  and scant few others who actually know a thing or two about the subject.

 What needs to happen IMO, is a new and untainted Daniel Ellsberg figure or two, or a group, to step out of the shadows with both the classified ODNI reports - -and whatever else he or she or they can get their hands on – and blow open this issue at a new level. It needs to occur with the mega-impact that Ellsberg’s Pentagon Papers had on the public’s view of the shameful Vietnam War in this country and around the world. It needs to remove all doubt in the town square. And it needs to set the stage for the visitors, the Ovni’s, the ET’s or whoever they are to come forward into the light and become known, and not under cover of darkness or in fleeting encounters with aircraft of any stripe.

 Will it happen?

 We’ll see. Or blindly, futilely we won’t.

 But for now, the game looks severely lopsided. Skunks are up 8 or more, and as Bob Dylan once sang, “the hour’s getting late.”




Fetishizing “The Phenomenon”?
